Nominations and Resolutions Accepted for
Consideration at Convention 2020
By the closing date for receipt of Nominations, Resolutions and Invitations:
- One nomination had been received for the post of District Governor 2020/21
- One nomination had been received for the post of First Vice District Governor 2020/21
- One nomination had been received for the post of Second Vice District Governor 2020/21
- These nominations will each require an election by way of secret ballot at Convention
- Three Resolutions had been received for debate at Convention 2020, 3 in the name of the District Cabinet and none in the name of Clubs
- One Invitation was proposed by Cabinet to host Convention 2021 which has now been deferred to 2022 (now Resolution 5)
- As part of an agreement to protect members’ money, Cabinet has agreed (Resolution 4) to propose that the 2021 Convention be held in this year’s location.
I can confirm all of the candidates are fully qualified (as defined by the Constitution and By-Laws of our International Association) to stand for the posts for which they have been nominated.
PDG David Taylor
District 105SC Constitution, Nominations & Resolutions Officer
Resolution No 1 Proposed by District Cabinet
2020 Convention Nominations and Resolutions.pdf
This Resolution requires a two thirds majority
This Convention resolves that:
“The current Standard District Constitution be replaced with the attached revised District 105SC Constitution.”
Explanatory note:
The District adopted the LCI Standard District Constitution, unamended, at the Special Convention. Several changes are essential as the Constitution does not reflect our operating procedures, our geographic area and is not fit for purpose in all respects.
The recommended document was prepared by CNRO PDG David Taylor together with a previous CNRO John Goodchild, 1st VDG Steve Petty and District Treasurer Linda Picton before being approved by the District Cabinet.
Some clauses are in the Standard Constitution are mandatory and remain; however, we have taken the differences between the Standard Constitution and the 105D Constitution to reflect the geographical area, structure and financial procedures that have been developed and proven to work in the past.
It is important to note that the proposed District 105SC Constitution does not contain any new Articles or By-Laws that would have required separate Convention approval.
a. The Proposed 105SC Constitution. 105SC Constitution.pdf
b. The list of amendments required to introduce previously agreed 105D clauses into the Standard Constitution and remove any clauses that do not apply to our geographic area, procedures or finance. 105SC Constitution Additions.pdf
c. For reference, the Standard District Constitution unamended. Standard District Constitution 2019-20.pdf
d. For reference, the old District 105D Constitution. 105D District Constitution.pdf
Resolution No 2 Proposed by District Cabinet
This Resolution requires a simple majority
This Convention resolves that:
“The District Per Capita Levy for the Fiscal Year 2020/21 shall be in the sum of £9.00 per Lion. This shall be payable in two equal instalments - £4.50 per Lion by 1 August 2020 based upon the known membership as at 30 June 2020 and £4.50 per Lion by 1 February 2021 based upon the known membership as at 31 December 2020”
Explanatory note:
Article VIII Section 1 of the Standard District Constitution (2019-2020) reads:
“To provide revenue for approved district projects and to defray the administrative expenses of the district, an annual district administrative fund tax of is hereby levied upon each member of each club in the district and shall be collected and paid in advance by each club in two (2) semi-annual payments as follows……..”
Resolution No 3 Proposed by District Cabinet
This Resolution requires a simple majority
This Convention resolves that:
“Messrs Gilroy & Brookes, Chartered Accountants of Farnham, be sincerely thanked for their services to the District in the past and that they be, and the same are hereby, re-appointed as Independent Examiner to the District for the forthcoming Year.”
Explanatory note:
Article IX Section 4 of the Standard District Constitution (2019-2020) reads:
“The District Governor’s Cabinet shall provide for an annual or more frequent audit or review of the books and accounts……”
Resolution No 4 Proposed by District Cabinet
This Resolution requires a simple majority
This Convention accepts the proposal that the 2021 Annual District 105SC Convention be held at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Swindon, Lydiard Fields, Great Western Way, Swindon SN5 8UZ on 20th/21st March 2021.
Resolution No 5 Proposed by District Cabinet
This Resolution requires a simple majority
This Convention accepts the proposal that the 2022 Annual District 105SC Convention be held at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Mill Lane, Sindlesham.
Link to voting system - do see the Nominations page first