Cabinet Reports 

District Governor Report 20th March 2020 

By the time you read this report I will have carried out 20 club visits, attended 13 charter anniversaries, 3 district cabinet meetings, 3 council of governor meetings, District and Multi District Young Ambassador Finals, a Southern Membership Summit, Classic Car Shows, Donkey Derbies, sadly a number of funerals including my best mate PDG Ken Staniforth and last but not least “The Bob Cook Games” at Swindon, if you are not familiar with these games (a sporting event for the disabled and people with learning difficulties) then you need to attend them on 9th August this year to get a feel for what being a Lion is all about.    

Until the end of our Lionistic year, I have to look forward to our own 105SC District Convention, The Multi District Convention, a Council of Governors meeting, 15+ charter anniversaries and numerous other events up and down the District.    

I have overseen the closure of two clubs, Portsmouth (the founding club of 105D) and Christchurch, fortunately due to the hard work of Alan Chapman, Yorky Tuke and the willingness of all concerned all is not lost as a number of members have transferred across to form a larger club of Bournemouth & Christchurch. We also had good news in chartering a new club for the first time in years Chautari Lions (Swindon) with the addition of 23 new members. Clubs continue the battle to recruit new members with some clubs having great success whilst others struggle. For all Region Chairs, Zone Chairs and neighbouring clubs this must remain a priority if we are to stop more clubs from closing. So talk to your GMT officers, highlight the struggling clubs in your areas and come up with a plan of action to stop the decline. 

I had two main objectives when I took on the honour of representing 105SC as District Governor, the first was to focus on assisting clubs recruit new members and we are recruiting new members in greater numbers than before unfortunately we are failing to retain existing members, so much more effort required in that endeavour. The second was to encourage the Zone Chairs to recruit and appoint a Vice Zone Chair so we could put in place a plan of succession rather than have the same old panic of trying to recruit Zone Chairs weeks before the new year starts, I feel that we may not be as further forward with that as one would have hoped, I know one or two have been successful, again more effort is required to see this happen before the end of my tenure. I would like to give my successor Steve every chance of success of putting together a cohesive cabinet before I hand over the chain in early July. For those Zone chairs who have been proactive and recruited a Vice Zone chair well done, for those Zone Chairs who haven’t yet found a successor, you had better get a move on as the year will be over soon!      

1st Vice District Governor – Lion Steve Petty  

Since the new district 105SC came into existence last July, I have been privileged to meet many new lions from clubs that were not previously in the same district as myself. Can I thank you all for having the patience for accepting the differences in expectations of officers from one old district to another and for the hands of friendship offered at every club visit. By the time of convention, I would have completed my allocation of 1st VDG club visits and attended several charters. 

During those nine months I have been able to attend all VDG training sessions, all district cabinet meetings, three Council of Governors meetings, and various subcommittee meetings. I have also attended the Southern Summit membership meeting organized by PID Howard Lee. 

I was also privileged to be at the International Convention in Milan last July with the additional duty of assisting with the canvassing for Lion Patti Hill in becoming successfully elected 3rd VIP. 

At the last 1st VDG training session I met with our incoming International President Douglas Alexander and listened to his vision for the 2020 – 2021 lions year.  

It was sad to hear of the loss of 1st VIP Judge Haynes Townsend last December but I believe that PID Douglas will be a worthy replacement. 

Nearer to home, it has been troubling to see that during the nine months of our existence we have lost three clubs and have been made aware of other clubs that may suffer the same fate in the near future. If elected I will do my best to address this as a top priority.    

2nd Vice District Governor Brian Donovan Report 

Since being elected at the Extraordinary General Meeting and receiving my 2VDG collar at the District Startover meeting in July 2019, I have been busy learning the ropes of being a prospective DG, there has been a lot to take on board. One of my functions has been visiting our fantastic clubs in our District. Of the clubs allocated to me for official visits, I have completed 15 visits, and I thank those clubs for their gracious welcome. Visiting a club for the first time could be a daunting experience, but the friendly open response has been amazing, so can’t thank you all enough (it makes all the long journeys worthwhile). I am now looking forward to visiting the four clubs I have still to visit.  The club visits are invaluable for me to get to know as many people in the district as possible. I find that each club has a unique character, reflecting the communities that they serve, and it makes me immensely proud to be a Lion and to serve you all as your 2nd VDG. 

I have welcomed the opportunity to work alongside many experienced Lions in our District, which has given me great insight into the operations of the District and many great examples of how to conduct oneself as a Lion and in life. 

I was delighted to be the official Lions guest, representing the District Governor and the District, at the Woodley and Early Charter and the Fareham Charter, these were enjoyable events and it was a pleasure to enjoy your company. 

I have participated at District Cabinet meetings and District Finance Committee Meetings and continue to be busy at events and service activities within my own club and engaged with the clubs in our ‘home zone’ at Zone Meetings and recently at the Loddon Valley Charter lunch.  

I am looking forward to the remainder of my ‘learning’ year, it’s not over yet, and there will be plenty to do. 

District Almoner – PDG Lion Ron Twining 

Since the last convention report, I have acknowledged all notifications of lions deceased in the district as taken from the Oakbrook list. 

Cards have also been sent to the next of kin. 

These deaths have been reported to all the cabinet meetings through the year, and a list for the year sent to the MD Convention. 

My list for this year since March 2019 until the 3rs March 2020 is attached on a separate sheet. 

I would like to remind club secretaries that Oakbrook must be advised when a member passes to higher service, otherwise clubs will continue to be responsible for paying for the member.  

District Secretary Report – PDG Lion Roger Huntley 

The role has many facets that provide support for the District Governor, District Cabinet, the Clubs and various other elements of the organisation, which are not known and seen by others, there is never a day that goes by without anything that needs to be attended to, it is a seven days per week commitment. 

Some examples of the task undertaken are: 

Taking Minutes for the District Cabinet and various other committees, preparing these and circulating them. 

Collecting various forms/questionnaires etc., such as data for the District Directory, Delegate & Alternate forms for the District Convention and Multiple District Convention., preparation and printing of delegate voting slips and other Convention documentation. 

Some do not seem to realize but the District Mailing is now circulated on an as and when received basis rather than hold it until 25th of each month, this was changed by the District Cabinet in November 2018. This is generally circulated to all Presidents, Secretaries and District Officers, to ensure that as many members as possible are aware of the content. 

Other non official circulations include information on Club Charter Anniversary celebrations, which is circulated as and when information becomes available and time permits. 

A number of club Officers have been assisted with general advice and help with some tasks, such as where to find information, how to log in to LCI, change of details on the District web site etc., it is appreciated that there has been and still are some problems with MyLci MyLion etc 

And so on, this is but a few of the District secretary tasks, it is generally seven day a week undertaking, it is very important for Club Secretaries to attend any training that the District may offer, especially those who have been in post for some time, as many changes happen in this ever advancing technical world.

I would like to thank all clubs for their general cooperation, if assistance is required on any matter, I am willing to do my best to assist, if I do not know the answer immediately, I will endeavour to investigate it, therefore please feel free to contact me. 

Finally I intend to be standing down from the role at the end of June 2020 to have more family time, I will be 78 at the end of March and I think it is time for a younger person to take over the responsibility in this fast moving electronic age, to be able to serve the District for a longer period into the future, I will obviously be willing to offer guidance if and when needed, if you are interested in taking on the challenge, please contact: 1VDG PDG Lion Steve Petty. 

District Treasurer Report – Lion Linda Picton 

The Finance Committee meets regularly during the year to monitor the finances of the District and to offer support to the District Treasurer. Financial updates are given at each meeting of the District Cabinet. 

Final accounts for 2018-2019 can be downloaded from District 105D website via the following link  financialinformation/2018-19.html  

Reminder:  no hard copies of accounts will be printed for Convention.  Icon Summary of accounts.pdf 

Convention 2019

March 2019 saw final Convention in the name of District 105D.  The host committee had two main aims - to offer value for money with a break even result rather than the need to make a profit and to say farewell to District 105D with a memorable event.  Those who attended will confirm that these aims were met on all counts.   

2018 – 2019

Administration Account:  Once again, full expenditure against budget was not realised as many District Officers did not fully claim items of expenditure allowable under the current guidelines contributing to administrative savings. 

This contained an item of planned expenditure to reimburse new member joining fees (US$35) for period 1st July 2018 through June 2019 at a cost of £2,353 from reserves.  Additionally, a £5 per member credit was given on membership subscriptions averaging £5,625 from reserve funds.   The net result was a total of £6,066 needed from reserves to balance the year.   

Reserve Funds

The end of year balance amounted to £37,230 and in line with the commitment across MD105, agreed by Council of Governors, reserve funds followed members into the new reorganised Districts as at 1st July 2019.  A final per member figure was calculated based on known reserves and membership figures as at 30th June 2019. There was also a commitment to clubs in District 105D to reduce the reserve funds.  A per member amount of £15 was agreed by Cabinet and returned to clubs with balance being used to form reserve fund for District 105SC.  Additionally it was agreed a contingency of £5,000 against Convention cancellation remain as a designated amount.  These transactions will be shown as a movement in reserves and outlined in the 2019-2020 Accounts. 

Charitable Trust 

Whilst there was a split in designated projects there was very little variance in amounts donated in comparison to previous year. 

2019 - 2020

Administration Account:  Year to date income and expenditure can be viewed via the following link  financialinformation/2019-20.html  

Please note that there is to be a Resolution at International Convention 2020 in Singapore proposing an increase in International subscriptions US$3 effective July 2021 raising annual total to US$46.  THEN effective July 2022 to be adjusted annually for US inflation.  This will be calculated using a three-year inflation average that will not exceed 3.0% or be lower than 1.5% each year.  Clubs are encouraged to ensure that subscriptions are set to adequately cover all administration costs of the club.  Copy end of year accounts to District Treasurer please.   

Charitable Trust Account:  Donations Year to date can also be accessed via the same link above. 


Administration budget based on membership figure of 1225 and subscription of £9 per member will be proposed by Resolution to Convention.  Outline expenditure equates to £13,350 and should this planned expenditure be fully realised will £2,325 from reserve funds will be needed. 

Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)

I am no longer actively involved in the registration process but I do keep a watching brief on progress of clubs in 105SC particularly regarding important compliance issues.   

My thanks go to Lion Mike Baker and Lion John Geering for continuing to mentor clubs across MD105 in the CIO registration process and for guiding clubs through the paperwork and the Charity Commission application process so efficiently.  

Gift Aid

Comprehensive guidance is offered via HMRC website and following links are recommended 

First clubs registered with charitable status (Charitable Trust or CIO) must register with HMRC and get a unique reference number for your club using 

Guidelines are available on 

Gift aid can only be claimed on pure donations – where the donor receives nothing tangible in return 

Donor must be UK Tax payer and eligible to complete a gift aid declaration form 

Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme (GASDS) relates to cash donations of £30 or less (bucket or tin collections) and since April 2019 contactless card donations of £30 or less.  You must first register with HMRC  

ONLY CLUBS REGISTERED AS CIO will be eligible to claim gift aid on membership subscriptions.   

Other matters

It is recommended that donations continue be made via District Treasurer.  Keep it simple - for all payments – cheques to District Treasurer – payee -   ‘LCI District 105SC’ or by BACS if you prefer.  Considerable delays were experienced in re-designation of bank accounts as a result of name change. 

Charity Commission website guidance on managing your charity can be accessed via the following link on the Government website

There are updated criteria for Trustee eligibility which need careful consideration please.  Please also refer to your governing document which will either be a Deed of Trust or CIO Constitution to check on who should act as Trustee for your club.  Also please ensure that the appropriate eligibility checks are made before making appointments. 

Finance Committee Report – PDG Lion Alan Chapman 

First of all I wish to thank District Governor Team for recommending me to take over the Chairmanship of the new District 105SC as a stand in for the late PDG Lion Ken Staniforth who is sadly missed.  

The 2019-2020 Finance committee consists of me (Chairman), District Treasurer Lion Linda Picton, District Secretary PDG Lion Roger Huntley, 1st VDG Lion Steve Petty and 2nd VDG Lion Brian Donovan. 

The Committee has met twice; the first meeting was a face to face meeting on 24th September in Andover. The main reason for the meeting was to discuss the dispersal of 105D Reserves by making a £15 per member refund to all clubs which was agreed by the October Cabinet.  

The second meeting was held at our new Cabinet meeting venue, The Stones Hotel, this was a general meeting to discuss the 105SC finances, change of bank details from 105D to 105SC and to Convention Resolutions relating to the finance of the District and to set the suggested 105SC Dues for 2020-2021. 

It has once again been noticeable to me as Chairman and signatory to expense claims, that few Cabinet members are making the claims which they are entitled to do, this is one of the reasons for the 105D reserves being higher than expected; if a cabinet member does not wish to claim their expenses, there is a box on the claim form to donate the money to a District project of their choice. This will give the Finance committee a better chance of setting the District 105SC subscription at a realistic level.   

There will be further meetings held prior to cabinet meetings which will probably be Conference calls or the like, unless there is a requirement for face to face meeting where it is necessary for discussion purposes.   

The Committee agreed a proposal that the District 105SC subscription for 2020-2021 should stay at £9.00. This is a starting point for the new District and will be reviewed for Convention 2021.  

The District accounts for 2018/2019 have been examined by our auditors and found to be an accurate record for the year. It has been suggested that, due to service we have received over the years from Gilroy Brooks, we should continue to use them as the accounts are examined by a different examiner each year. 

I have to admit that I have found the chairmanship of the Finance Committee easier second time around with the guidance and assistance of the Treasurer Lion Linda and the Secretary PDG Roger.  

I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Committee and especially Lion Linda for the time she puts into the daily running of the financial aspect of the District, her knowledge and dedication is second to none. 

Acceptance of Accounts

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