Partnership with Young Farmers - DGE (District 105CW) Richard Williams

Who Are The National Federation of Young Farmers?​

The National Federation of Young Farmers was established in 1921. It has ​24,500 members in 615 Clubs spread throughout the UK​, it is the largest rural youth organisation in the UK.​

They come from all walks of life they are not all from farming communities​ with an age range 10 to 26 - ​at 27 they could be Lions​.

What do Lions and Young Farmers have in common?

Both serve their local communities;

Both raise millions to help others less fortunate.;

Both work as a team to achieve more;

Both – could work together​.

That is why I really want us to work together​.

YFC Organisation

PID Lion Howard Lee, YF Chief Executive James Eckley and DGE District 105CW Richard Williams
PID Lion Howard Lee, YF Chief Executive James Eckley and DGE District 105CW Richard Williams

The YFC in MD105 work in counties and 7 regional areas​.

James Eckley is their chief officer, a paid position, and he is keen to work with us.​ 

The Grand Plan

Once we have the blessing of both sides the magic can begin!​

It will be important to keep communications with both sides strong​. 

We already have a list of all Lions Clubs and YF Clubs by county​, the plan is to attend area meetings and register interest; attend county meetings and register interest.​

We need to promote Lions youth projects to YFC members​. 

Establishing county links on both sides will help with club alignment​.

Establishing new area for Lions even forming specialist clubs to accommodate YFC members​.

One down, 60 counties to go

Lion Joy HaffnerThe link has already been established in Worcestershire.

Chloe Potter Young Farmer member​ and Zone Chair Lion Joy Haffner are working together to:

Young Farmer Chloe Potter-  Enable communication to be established to enable clubs to help each other​;

-  Share each others calendars​;

-  Help each other​, and 

-  Promote fellowship.

Partnership in Action in Worcestershire

yf diabetes poster1

Lions and Young Farmers partnership potential in District 105SC

County Lions Clubs Young Farmers Clubs
Berkshire 5 4
Buckinghamshire 9 6
Channel Islands 2 2
Dorset 12 9
Hampshire & IOW 26 10
Oxfordshire 8 6
Wiltshire 12 8

Total number of YFC Clubs in District 105SC = 45​

Young Farmers

Young Farmers

Young Farmers

Young Farmers

Young Farmers

Young Farmers

Young Farmers

Young Farmers

Young Farmers

Lions marshalling at a Young Farmers event

For more information contact DGE Lion Richard Williams:

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