Other Cabinet Reports
District GMT Co-ordinator Report – Lion Tim Hanton
Membership continues to be a challenge for Lions Clubs both in our District and also at a National level.
The Table below shows the current position against the targets that were set at the beginning of the Lions year by the DG for the Membership team.
We continue to do well in attracting new members with 84 to date this year and with 5 months remaining, we should exceed our target of 124 for the year.
It is really great news to see that we have started a new Club this year – Swindon Chautari, who charted with 23 members. Our first new Club in District 105SC.
However, we continue to see a drop in members leaving Lions, which given our age profile this is not unexpected. However, the rate of those leaving is higher than we anticipated. We have already exceeded the target that was set for the year.
My view continues to be that our key efforts should be on every Club inducting a minimum of 3 new members each Lions year. New members bring new life & ideas into Lions Clubs. Those Clubs that are successful are those where there is a strong sense of service - service is what makes Lions different to other voluntary organisations.
Recently there has been a joint initiative with Young Farmers. Young Farmers have a membership of 22,000 (the majority of whom are not in fact Farmers). They leave the organisation at the age of 26 and Lions, due to our service ethos synergy with Young Farmers, are seen as the natural step for their members. Within 105SC there are a significant number of Young Farmers Clubs. Some of these cover the same area as some of our Clubs and some are in areas where we currently do not have a Club. There will be more discussion and information on this initiative at the Convention.
A couple of Clubs have also looked at setting up campus Lions Clubs at colleges or Universities as a source of new members. If you would like more information on this, please speak to me at Convention or email me.
Please remember that there is financial support available at District for Clubs looking to run a membership drive or other activities to help increase their membership. I am also happy to visit any Clubs to provide assistance in respect of Membership. Please contact me if you require further information on this.
If there is anything I can do to help your Zone/Club in respect of any aspect of Membership, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am more than happy to visit your Zone or Club.
Finally, we are looking to have a GAT stand at Convention – covering the Service, Membership and Leadership. Please come and have a chat and pick up a copy of the Membership Menu.
Membership & Retention for Zones 1A, 1B, 4H, 4I, 5K, & 5L -
Alan Chapman
Christchurch Lions Club: It is with regret that we lost the Christchurch Club in December 2019 with the loss of 16 members, but with the intention of 4 members transferred to the Bournemouth Lions Club after the closure. The club closed due to not being able to sustain their presence in the area as they were finding it difficult to man events and were unable to encourage younger members to come in and keep the Club alive. All attempts to try to keep the going by ZC Yorky Tuke and myself were attempted but in the long term it became obvious that the members had got to the point where they were struggling to keep the Club active and did their last Car boot sale in September 2019, but had no forward planned events to look forward to. They had their final closure meeting on the 4th December 2019.
Bournemouth Lions Club: The Christchurch Lions Club approached Bournemouth and kept them informed of the planned closure of their Club in December 2019. Bournemouth they have accepted the challenge to continue to support the Christchurch community in the same way and also to reinstate the Car Boot sale and also resurrect some of the activities of the now closed Christchurch Club.
I have kept in touch with both Clubs during the this period and given advice regarding the procedures as it will involve a name change from the Lions Club of Bournemouth, to the Lions Club of Bournemouth & Christchurch which has to be done officially with the consent of the District Governor and all surrounding Lions Clubs.
Lions Club of Swindon: I was approached by the incoming President Maurice Watson, informing me that the Club were about to sponsor a new Special Interest Lions Club with a Nepalese (Ghurkha) community in the Swindon area. I was asked to give advice on the procedures of forming a New Club. I did some research into the procedures and forwarded the necessary forms and gave advice with my limited knowledge how to proceed and keeping the DG informed at all points of action. A problem arose as it is necessary for a New Club to have two Guiding Lions for the first 2 years, the problem was that we didn’t have any in date GLs in the District, at this point I passed the situation on the DG who managed to persuade two well established Lions to do the necessary online training to become Certified Guiding Lions.
I understand that the New Chautari Lions Club (Swindon) was Chartered in December with 23 members, this is the first New Club for our New District 105SC, and hopefully we can build on this success.
Global Service Team Coordinator - PDG Judith Goodchild
This is the third year of the Global Service initiative. The initiative covers the five main areas which LCI have asked us to concentrate on. They are:
Childhood Cancer
Feed the Hungry
I gave a presentation to Cabinet at the July Cabinet meeting.
I was unable to attend a MD meeting in June but was not able to be at the one in October or January but hope to attend one on 30th May. Nationally we moving forward. Some of the initiatives are
ENVIRONMENT – The latest edition of Lion focussed on this topic. I will have copies of the Wild Tribe Heroes books referred to in the article on the GAT stand at Convention for people to look at.
I am asking all clubs to mark World Earth Day on 22nd April to help clean up their locality by organising a litter pick around about that date.
To date I have not received any entrants for the Environmental Poster Competition and it may be that this competition will not be held again.
Entries for the Photographic Competition were sent to MD but were not winners.
DIABETES – I have now qualified to advice people as to their risk of having diabetes. Thanks to Petersfield Lions for allowing me to attend their training session. Several clubs have carried out Risk Assessment days including Petersfield and Loddon Valley. Fleet Lions attended Burnham’s Wellness Day and carried out Risk assessments and they are willing to help other clubs as are Diabetes UK who encourage clubs in doing so.
VISION – This District has always been very good at collecting and recycling Speks. Thank you for all your efforts. The earlier problems with getting the Speks to Chichester now seem to be resolved.
For the future the MD GST team is looking to buy special machines to test children’s sight in schools as very often problems are not picked up until it is too late. 105SC took part in one of the trials. However the scheme is currently been held up because Public Health England has not yet approved the scheme.
CHILDHOOD CANCER- March is Brain Tumour Awareness Month .
At MD level we will be working with the Brain Tumour Research Charity to build a lab somewhere in the UK. It will be a four year project and will involve clubs in raising money for the lab. What better way of helping research into a condition which is the biggest killer of young people in this country. Adult brain tumours also affect children in that they are very distressed when their parent or grandparent suffers from them. Page 31 of the latest LION magazine has more information on how clubs can take part in helping raise money.
FEED THE HUNGRY – I would really like to know what clubs are doing in this area as hunger is a growing problem. Do you help with soup kitchens, provide meals for children during school holidays or help with food banks? Please let me know!.
I hope that you will support these campaigns and please remember whatever you do in these areas is helping. Please do record them on my My Lion. I appreciate that there are problems associated with doing this and I raised it at the GST meeting in October.
I provide news and updates every month in the 105D Times
I thank DG Jarvis for entrusting me to take on this role.
Communications Portfolio – Lion Tom Sayers
The change of District name in 2019 caused a great deal of extra work in setting-up and adding content to the new website www.lions105sc.org.uk/index.html
PRO Richard Keeley and I continue to work to further improve the information available to Cabinet Officers and clubs. Much more information can be accessed once logged-in. The District Directory is a good example but various documents and forms are available, such as Insurance documents maintained by Insurance Advisor Jo Hamblin and Financial Information maintained by Treasurer Linda Picton.
This year’s Convention website is simply https://2020.lions105sc.org.uk and gives comprehensive information and links to an online booking form.
The District 105sc Sentinel newsletters, ably edited by Peter Tabb, are uploaded to the website each month and appear on a ‘Lions year’ page www.lions105sc.org.uk/newsletters with District 105D archives going back to 2006. The latest issue of the Sentinel is featured on the Home page with a thumbnail image and link to the PDF file. There is now a similar thumbnail image and link to the Council Chairman’s Newsletter.
The Clubs page of the website is a database of club information such as the names of the officers, meeting dates/venues and links to the club website and contacts together with Zone and Region data. Club secretaries may login and update ‘their page’ to add/edit details of meetings and venues etc. It features a map of our District showing 105sc clubs. Do periodically check that the information is up to date.
We have a great resource in our website and I urge you all to get involved in using it, promoting it and improving it.
The baddies of the web haven’t lost any time in exploiting the Corona Virus scare – there are ‘helpful’ emails giving the latest advice, but click on links or open attachments at your peril – they will give your PC a nasty virus.
Tom Sayers – it@lions105sc.org.uk
District Insurance Adviser – Jo Hamblin
I continue to answer queries from Clubs with a particularly busy time in November with the Club firework events and at the time leading up to the December Christmas Santa Sleigh collections.
Comments were raised by one Club that the response from our Insurance Broker was slow on the fireworks enquiries. The MD Insurance Adviser has agreed to put plans in place for 2020 that will hopefully avoid undue delays in obtaining insurance quotes for fireworks events.
The same Club considered the premium being charged for the Santa Sleigh towing risk was too expensive and subsequently made their own insurance arrangements. I understand from the MD Adviser that the premium increase was a result of an increased claims experience in 2018.
The MD Insurance Adviser has yet to upload an insurance risk register on to the MD website. As soon as I am aware this is available, I will issue an email to Clubs to advise them how to locate this additional insurance information.
Jo Hamblin – insurance@lions105sc.org.uk
District Health & Safety Officer – Tim Dixon
Tim has continued to update Clubs on Health & Safety matters using the District website and the District 105sc Sentinel newsletter but unfortunately, due to ill health is now reviewing his role.
For Convention 2020, Jo Hamblin will handle Health & Safety matters.
We all wish Tim a better 2020.
Marketing & PR Co-ordinator – Richard Keeley
Requests for PR equipment loans continue to follow the downward trend of the past few years. These loans are collected and returned from the central PR equipment store in Salisbury while being co-ordinated from my home in Yateley. This arrangement generally runs smoothly, but occasions still occur when banners and lion costumes are not returned promptly, causing disappointment on at least one occasion with the resulting unavailability.
The 5 regional indoor pop-up banners and the large pop-up banner now display out of date information referring to 'District 105D' and listing the old 0845 telephone number. Following the cost-benefit analysis I wrote to Cabinet for replacing these items, the decision was made at the January Meeting not to replace these banners based upon usage and replacement cost. The large pop-up has been used 16 times between 2011 and 2016 and not at all in the last 3 years. The smaller indoor pop-up banners can be purchased for as little as £30 each by clubs so replacing the generic regional banners is not viable.
An audit and condition check of all the remaining banners, lions costumes etc will be carried out in the coming months.
At DG Jarvis' request I circulated all clubs to encourage them to submit articles and pictures to The Sentinel Magazine. This resulted in a bumper Christmas edition. In the same appeal to clubs I asked for articles about Lions work in 105SC for the environment to be featured in the Lion Magazine. I have not yet seen any responses to that request. However a couple of new club PRO's did get in touch asking for assistance in getting articles published, which I was pleased to give. During that exercise I also wrote a press release guide which is available on the 105SC website. Email me to access this guide together with access to downloadable permission forms for publishing photographs of children etc at Lions events.
Also during this promotion I was able to update the district contact list for club PR representatives with a number of new entries. However that still only represents 47% of the clubs in our district. If your club does not have your public relations officer listed on MyLCI please let me know their contact details.
I was invited recently to attend a Global Action Team (GAT) meeting to give PR input into GAT activities. I look forward to continuing to help this committee with practical help and advice as needed.
I have also taken part in a number of MD PR video conference sessions in recent months. These informal gatherings online enable invaluable information and advice to be shared amongst districts.
Richard Keeley – pro@lions105sc.org.uk
Newsletter Editor – Lion Peter Tabb
It is probably true to say that the impact of changing the District’s title from 105D to 105SC has meant little more to the monthly newsletter than a change of masthead. I have stated in many a Convention report that the principal benefit of being the Editor of the District Newsletter is that my Convention report is relatively easy to write since what I do tends to vary little from month to month. Notwithstanding I have tried to give the 105SC Sentinel a new identity while keeping it visually interesting and readable. I was sorry that the change of the District boundaries removed one of my more regular correspondents but I am delighted to see that, with the enthusiastic support of District PR Lion Richard Keeley, I am now receiving contributions from the ‘new’ Clubs and am sure that this trend will continue. I am grateful to all those Clubs who provide copy that is well written (mostly) and well-illustrated (mostly) although I still get some who have yet to appreciate that the way to an Editor’s heart is to keep it brief! Nevertheless, I hope that what we jointly publish shows the dynamism of the new District and the Officers and the Clubs that comprise it.
It is not now unusual for the contributions I am receiving to fill 12 pages and this size is very unlikely to be exceeded since the size of the resulting PDF is close to the limits of some inboxes. I still receive articles that are far too wordy and although I tend to be much more sympathetic with my use of the editorial blue pencil than other print media, the briefer and more to the point articles are, the more I can accommodate. I am aware that the 105SC Sentinel is often just one of a list of publications to which an article is addressed and it does not surprise me that I learn, mostly at Conventions, that the District newsletter is the only one of the publications to which an article has been sent that printed it. My Lions publication Engaging the Media (the result of my own ongoing 50 years’ experience) is available from the District website and is a practical guide to how to fire up other editors’ enthusiasm.
My thanks go once again in particular to our webmaster Lion Tom Sayers for his consistent help and advice. Above all my appreciation goes to all those Club press officers who take the time and trouble to prepare articles for publication and as long as I am wielding the editorial blue pencil I will seek always to present the Clubs of our District as the innovative, enthusiastic, caring and hard-working organisations they are, ably fulfilling the ethos of our founder that ‘we serve’ to make a real and lasting difference in our communities.
Peter Tabb – news@lions105sc.org.uk
Community Relations Portfolio – Lion Iain Pudney
This has been a very challenging year for my First Year as Portfolio Holder and I thank DG Jarvis for giving me the opportunity to take on this role and for having confidence in me to carry it out.
It is a smaller portfolio than my predecessor had, for which I am extremely grateful, as I am to the Vulnerable Persons Officer, Christine Munday; to the Paultons Park Projects Officer, John Drago and to District Alzheimer & Dementia Awareness Officer, PDG Pat Nixon.
My role incorporates the following areas:
MedicAlert & Message in a Bottle - Lion Iain Pudney
MedicAlert are proud to have been working with Lions since 1962 and we should all strive to maintain the links we have built up over the years. The Early Start programme is continuing to prove a very beneficial scheme, and by promoting MedicAlert at events, alongside Message in a Bottle, you could successfully save someone’s life without even knowing it.
The main benefits of MedicAlert are: -
24/7 cover for 365 days a year regardless of where you are in the world
The only information carried around is the bracelet or pendant with a phone number and minimal information on main medical conditions
There is a membership number giving a unique identification to each Member
The relevant personal data is held on a secure database at the London Ambulance Service
There is a medical professional on the end of the phone line whenever it is called
Training is available for medical professionals
On the front of the bracelet or pendant is a universally recognised medical symbol
MedicAlert provide Training for the Emergency Services as part of their normal operations
For the current year, which is MedicAlert’s 55th Year in the UK, they are offering a 3 for 2 promotion on the Early Start Programme. This means that for every 2 Children sponsored by Lions, they are adding a third Child, so that 3 Children are covered for the price of 2.
If you wish to have a presentation for your members which includes PowerPoint presentations, posters and leaflets. I am also available at any time to come and give a talk to any group in your area, just contact me.
Remember, the scheme works well with Message in a Bottle if you stress that Message in a Bottle is for Inside the Home and MedicAlert is for Outside the Home.
The Message in a Bottle scheme is really proving to be a lifesaver and a very good promotional tool. You might think the scheme has run its course but there are always new people who would benefit from the scheme to replace those who no longer require it. This was proved at recent events where many bottles were handed out along with some MedicAlert Leaflets. The need is out there, let us continue to fill it and give people peace of mind and save lives.
Please make sure that you promote the scheme on a regular basis, so that we can make sure the public can benefit.
Message in a Wallet, whilst a very welcome addition, is not currently supported by the Council of Governors and is therefore a very localised scheme, whilst MedicAlert and Message in a Bottle are both National Schemes and anyone who has one will be able to benefit wherever they are in the UK.
Finally, when distributing leaflets to the public, please ensure that the Club name at least is on the leaflet either in the form of a sticker or stamp. That way Lions will get the recognition we deserve both at MedicAlert, in respect of MedicAlert Leaflets, and with the public at large with respect to any leaflets we are distributing.
District Dementia Awareness Officer - PDG Lion Pat Nixon
Although I have not been as active as in the previous years in my role there have been a couple of highlights that spring to mind.
At Paultons Park I was stopped by a member from the Lions Club of Wareham who told me of how they had become involved with the Dementia Alliance and how they are involved with the funding of an Admiral Nurse.
My own club, Fareham, held a Horse Race Night - the funds raised were given to Kit Bags.
Move On, which is now run by the Royal British Legion Admiral Nursing Service: there are now two in Gosport and one in each of the following areas: Portsmouth, Romsey, Winchester and Alton.
Last May Lion Eric became Citizen of Honour in Fareham. Much was made of the fact that although he has Alzheimer’s it has (until recently ) not prevented him from continuing volunteering.
Should anyone you know find themselves in a similar situation to ourselves please put them in touch.
Paultons Park Day Outing - Lion John Drago
This year is the 29th Lions Day at Paultons Park and over the years thousands of people have benefitted from the generous donations made by Clubs, previously in District D but this year in District 105SC.
In 2012 we celebrated 21 years of days out and planted a tree at the Park.
To the Clubs who were not in District D, Paultons Park is a family theme park near Southampton, which has attractions for all ages and is wheelchair friendly, enabling families and groups from all areas of the community to enjoy the facilities.
There are many rides, Peppa Pig World, woods and lots of other attractions as well as a good selection of food outlets.
This year we have been asked to spread the 2500 special offer price tickets that the Park allocate to us, over 2 weekends, June 7th and 14th. This gives Clubs 2 choices of dates to choose from when buying tickets for their chosen visitors. In the past Clubs have given tickets to schools, youth groups, disabled clubs, young carers and many more deserving causes.
Each Club can choose who they donate tickets to and how many tickets they would like subject to availability. These tickets are not for resale and must not be used for making profit.
This year each Club will have their name printed on the tickets and only tickets which pass through the turnstiles will be charged for. No tickets will be available at the reduced price on the day so please ensure you purchase tickets for any Lions wishing to enter the Park and that the height of all children is measured correctly in shoes as they need a ticket if over 1 meter and this is checked at entry.
Packed lunches can also be ordered.
All information is on the District website where you can download the booking form.
Please see Lions John or Anita Drago for more information.
Prostate Cancer officers - Lion Dave Ebsworth
As you know this was a new role set up by DG Jarvis this year and given to me to develop, I was also given the role as the Multiple District officer for Prostate Cancer. Unfortunately Prostate Cancer has now overtaken Breast Cancer, so this is a fast-growing problem, which as Lions we are aware of. Still there is resistance from Professional Medical area in some parts of the UK. So I asked myself what we are doing as Lions, and within our District and Districts I had no idea except for just around the Reading area really and the odd club dotted around. So I have sent out a short questionnaire UK wide, so that I can form a good idea of what we are doing and who with, this is work in progress, I have had around 150 reply’s out of about 624 clubs. I have been to Havant club to give a talk and I am happy to attend any clubs to talk about Prostate Cancer awareness. I have been contacted by a club who are doing their first screening and have been able to assist and will hopefully be attending their event. I am also working with Prostate Cancer UK with the view of getting a great working relationship with them not only for our District but UK wide. They are keen, but again early stages.
I am going to be working on how to get the information out to our members more easily.
Vulnerable Persons – Lion Christine Munday
I have nothing really to report except that there has been very little activity on this front for most of this Lionistic year. Hopefully with membership rising there will be more to do.
All forms should go through me as I have the new instructions etc from the MD VPO as we are working together to make sure all applications from 105 MD are completed correctly
International Relations Projects PDG Lion Barrie Richardson
Europa Forum
What is Europa Forum? Quite simply it is the Annual General Meeting of all the Multiple Districts in Europe, our Constitutional Area, very much as our District Convention is the Annual General Meeting of all Clubs within our District. Business takes place over three days with added social events. Voting on any Resolutions proposed is on the basis of one vote for each Multiple District present.
My job as I see it, is to encourage participation by members of our District, disseminate information as it is received, encourage Clubs, Zones and Regions to prepare and submit reports of successful activities which could be considered for inclusion in future Forums and to investigate Group travel facilities for members attending where this is practicable.
The 65th Europa Forum was held in Tallinn on 4th to 6th October 2019 hosted by our colleagues in District 120 Estonia, with the theme “Market of Ideas”. Two Lions and a partner from our District, attended.
I have to say from the outset that the organisation of this event was exceptional with excellent facilities for both the business and social programmes and outstanding keynote presentations focusing on the three main topics: circular economy, healthy youth and cyber solutions. With 1,325 participants and 56 countries represented this has to be one of the most successful Forums that I have had the privilege of attending and one that I enjoyed immensely.
For the first time the minutes of the proceedings together with the presentations are already published and available to view/download on their official website at https://www.europaforum2019.ee/. The site is well worth a visit and I commend it to you.
The winner of the Burt Mason European Young Ambassador Award was Alexia Marza D124 Romania with our entry Sienna Castellon placed second.
Congratulations to the Host Committee whose organisational ability was second to none. They have certainly left a legacy and set the bar high for others to follow.
The 66th Europa Forum will be held in Thessalonica on 1st to 3rd October 2020 hosted by our colleagues in MD117 Greece. The official forum website at http://www.europaforum2020.gr/ is already active without much content at this time. They are advertising an early bird package (that expires on 31/01/2020) that includes 3 nights hotel accommodation of 880 Euro per person for a single room or 590 Euro per person for a double. Individual costs for registration and the social events are not given, neither is there a written cancellation policy so I am unable to evaluate if these prices give value at this time. I have established that direct flights are available from both Gatwick and Stansted.
Lions United Nations Day at the Palace of Westminster
Fourteen members from our District attended the United Nations Day at the Palace of Westminster on Tuesday, 12th March 2019. Not the best that I have attended but there were some interesting topics presented. In previous years the initial allocation and the re-allocation of unused tickets was a smooth operation that was completed by mid February. This year to say the least was chaotic with re-allocation not completed until days before the event and then only with the help of DG Ken. We had a reserve list of members wishing to attend some of whom we had to disappoint as a result. Following the event most enjoyed the fun and fellowship at a Dinner before departing on the homeward journey that was marred for some by long train delays.
This year’s event will be held on Tuesday, 10th March 2020 at the same venue. Initial details have been circulated to Clubs and District Officers.
District International Project “Freedom Kit Bags”
Contributions to date total £4,575.00. So far around sixteen Clubs in our old District 105D have made contributions with additional support being received from four Clubs in 105C.
Unfortunately, my recent hospitalisation has delayed further progress with this project and I have yet to catch up on the current situation to be able to report further.
MD Initiated International Projects
There has been no effective communication since the retirement of the previous MD IRO resulting in a complete disconnect between MD and District that is of great concern. Whilst I have heard rumours of changes initiated by Council to some of the MD supported International projects I have received no official confirmation or detail as to what is proposed or has changed.
Dentaid Liaison Committee PDG Lion Roger Huntley
Dentaid is a charity in its own right, which started in 1996, and supported by District 105D. Since relocating from a ram shack barn and Portacabins at Landford to new premises at Totton, near Southampton a year ago, Dentaid has re-established itself and is now on a very professional footing, going from strength to strength, serving both communities in the UK as well as overseas.
From the UK operation point of view, in August of last year, they managed to obtain a second Portable Dental Unit, the plan being to have one based in the North of England and one in the South, which will cut down on a lot of running costs and time wasting They currently have several projects in and around Hampshire, Wiltshire, Yorkshire and many more, serving the needs of the homeless and those who cannot get access to Dental care for one reason or another. They generally work in conjunction with and set up adjacent to organisations Schools etc., in a local area, such as Unity House Chippenham with Alabare, The Crypt and Kitchen for Everyone in Leeds and York and Bridlington Harbour to provide a mobile clinic for fishermen with the Seafarers Hospital Society, to mention just a few. Demand for this service is continually on the increase in this time of austerity, with several Local Authorities requesting their attendance.
Schools in many areas have also been visited to provide oral health advice.
Some of the overseas projects in the last year include clinical teams going to Malawi and Uganda, where 5,017 Ugandan patients were treated who otherwise would have no Dental care, teams visited schools in Cambodia where they treat 302 vulnerable children and Morocco where 2,370 children were treated and 6,500 toothbrushes handed out.
We have vacancies for two Lions to serve on the District 105SC Dentaid Liaison Committee, particularly somebody to act as equipment collection coordinator, to liase with Lions Clubs throughout the Country; we generally have three meetings at Dentaid a year. Please make yourself known to me if you are interested in this worthwhile Lions commitment. I can be contacted on T: 01983 855546 M: 07864 165537 E: rogannhuntley@btinternet.com
LCIF 105 SC District Coordinator – Lion Ann Huntley MJF
Another busy year both for myself and for Lions Clubs International Foundation. The work that your Foundation does is never ending and helps so many around the world when they are at their lowest ebb. It helps Lions to get an important project for their community started.
During the past year the appeals and requests have kept coming. From Hurricanes, earthquakes and of course, most recently the bush fires in Australia. Lions have been called upon to aid those who have lost the most and Lions have not been found wanting. From 1/7/19 – 17/2/2020 Lions Clubs in 105SC have donated $34,698 to LCIF, for which I offer a heartfelt thank you.
I continue to submit articles for the Sentinel each month where I mention aspects of the work being done by our Foundation and of course the current Campaign 100. I was also lucky enough to meet with fellow Coordinators from Europe and UK at a training seminar last autumn. By the time you read this I will have also attended a meeting with PIP Frank Moore, vice-chair of Campaign 100 in Birmingham. Many clubs have applied for MJF awards and I have assisted some clubs with those. A wonderful way to recognise a Lion who has gone above and beyond.
So, thank you once again if your club has supported LCIF and please take time to look at the International website for any information, or indeed contact myself.
Leo Clubs – Lion Michelle Strout
Leo Clubs of Westbury and Guernsey continue to function well. Over the past year they have been very busy with a range of service and fundraising projects in their communities. The Leos continue to support the activities of their local Lions Clubs.
Peace Poster and Essay Competition – Lion Frances Bond
Over the year 2019-2020, I have informed clubs via the website about the Peace Poster and have kept the website updated. I have also answered queries over the phone and via email.
Our entry to the MD for the International Peace Poster Competition title 'Journey of Peace', was by Hadrian age 12 from Burgate School and sponsored by Ringwood & Fordingbridge Lions Club.
Our own District Junior winners were both sponsored by Yateley & District Lions Club. Eden from Year 3 and Julia from Year 5 were both from Cranford Park School.
There were no entries for the essay competition.
I would like to thank DG Jarvis for his support and for the Youth Team, I have enjoyed my year and have loved working on the team.
Young Ambassador – Lion Angie Fawcett
I have visited Zone(1B) so far,this Lionistic year to discuss the Young Ambassador Award Scheme. Leaflets and information were handed out for all the clubs to take back to their members. The clubs attending this Zone meeting gave mixed feedback. The lack of uptake for the award was discussed. Some clubs are doing their own awards for ‘outstanding young people’.
I tried very hard to enthuse the club members to take part in this initiative but did hit some barriers.
However one club in this Zone (GMS) did put forward a candidate for the District Finals.
I attended the Young Ambassador Award District Final presentation in January and am in the process of contacting other Zone Chairs to ask if I may attend Zone meetings to promote this award for the next Lionistic year, to ensure it is not too late in the Lionistic year to secure candidates and meet the deadlines for applications.
Lions Lifeskills – Lion Denise Stenner
Lions Lifeskills resources cover a wide range of health related topics and are suitable for both primary and secondary school ages. The resources are produced to link with the school curriculum. However once again Clubs from 105sc have shown little interest in promoting the Lifeskills resources. Full details of the resources are available at www.lifeskills.co.uk or telephone 01204 435340 for information.
Young Ambassador – Lion Yorky Tuke
Only two clubs out of almost sixty managed to put forward a Young Ambassador candidate. As recently as 2014 we had seven candidates and the future looked brighter.
This competition celebrates young people and their achievements, it recognises, encourages and supports young people aged 15 to 18 who are actively involved in helping others.
This year's competition, held in Bournemouth on the weekend of 11th and 12th January was won by Emily Grace aged 17 from Jersey College for Girls, sponsored by the Lions Club of Jersey. She will be representing District 105sc at the MD competition held in Dudley in February.
Please support and acknowledge these young people in your communities, they are our future.
I am available for support or advice to clubs or zones.
Young Leaders in Service – Lion Yorky Tuke
The Young Leaders in Service (YliS) project continues to make steady progress. The application process has been simplified and all the updated forms can be downloaded from the District website.
All applications must be made through the District YliS Officer. If you need any help or advice please contact me. I will make myself available to Zone or Region meetings to impart information.
Data Protection Compliance – PDG John Goodchild
The general flurry of activity after the introduction of The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in May 2019 in the UK has now died down and I have had very few queries from Clubs to deal with during this Lionistic year.
There is a lot of guidance available on the Multiple District Website and also our own 105SC Website, which to some extent has now rendered my post redundant, since my role was never one of policing, but more of providing guidance.